The first nest of swallows in our porch (5 babies) have flown and are whooping about joyously, practising for their marathon fly south - what a delight to see them at such close range just outside our front door - hatching, teeny weeny chicks with gaping mouths, then watching them develop their distinctive swallow livery. And all less than a metre from our glass front door; amazing. The second nest now has 4 babes who are expanding a-pace. Miracles of nature, eh?! We've put a special 'Swallows' set on our album - hurrah for this album which enables us to share photos with family and friends really easily. The bats (the real ones this time! mostly pipistrelles) swoop around right below our balcony where there is a light, thus many insects, at night, so we see their aerial acrobatics at incredibly close quarters. They also like to rest and hang right outside our bedroom window on one of the beams, so often we get an amazing free show of them squirming around digesting that last big moth or stopping to clean themselves before they head off again, feeding and foraging; magic.
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