Our little sausage dog Chip got a fright recently when he got uppity with a visiting friend's dog, Luma, who's about 12 times his size. Luma is a frequent canine visitor and is a gorgeous, gentle dog, decided to growl back at Chip and sit on him (this 'handbags' incident was over food of course!). Chip wasn't hurt at all but squealed fit to bring the house down - it was a good lesson for him as he's still over-cocky with big dogs and one day will come a cropper if it's not a gentle dog like Luma. However, Jeni came off worse because she raced round into the kitchen to try and separate them, skidded and landed on her bum with a bang (jolt up the spine, horrible), put her arm out to save herself and sprained her wrist, which came up in a great bruise. Lots of sympathy for several days when everyone was asking what she’d done as she strutted around with the hand and wrist bandaged (Dave remembered his nursing skills!). Chip's been very wary of Luma ever since despite the fact that Chip thinks he’s 'top dog' in the household. On Luma's first return visit, Chip stayed in his Pit all evening and when we tried to lure him out for his tea he peeped out of the box in such a comical fashion, showing the whites of his eyes, peering round to see if he was safe!
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